
Riccardo Campa


Jagiellonian University in Krakow



Riccardo Campa is a Full Professor of Sociology and the Director of the History of Ideas Research Centre at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He is also the editor-in-chief of Orbis Idearum: European Journal of the History of Ideas. His current research is mostly focused on the relationship between science and religion.


In this journal

Michel Henri Kowalewicz

Dawid Kamil Wieczorek

Gunter Scholtz


Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Gunter Scholtz, philosopher, professor emeritus at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His research focuses on the philosophy of history, religion and art, hermeneutics, Dilthey studies, Schleiermacher’s philosophy, and the history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte).

Karl Acham


University of Graz



Karl Acham, sociologist, philosopher, and historian of science; professor emeritus at the University of Graz. His research focuses on the history of philosophical and sociological ideas, the theory and methodology of the humanities and the social sciences, and the philosophy of culture.

Luciano Pellicani


LUISS University in Rome


Luciano Pellicani, political scientist; professor of political sociology at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS), director of the Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo di Roma; director of "Mondo Operaio". His research focuses on sociology, revolution, and totalitarism.

Hermann Lang


University of Würzburg


Hermann Lang, psychiatrist, philosopher, professor at the University of Würzburg. His research focuses on psychoanalysis, psychosomatics, psychotherapy, medical psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, and the history of ideas.

Paweł Dybel


University of Warsaw / Polish Academy of Sciences



Paweł Dybel, philosopher, professor at the University of Warsaw, and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on the history of ideas, hermeneutics, phenomenology, psychoanalytic theories, and political philosophy.

Eric S. Nelson


University of Massachusetts



Eric S. Nelson, philosopher, professor at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. His research focuses on ethics, hermeneutics, Chinese philosophy, the history of ideas, and the philosophy of culture, nature, and religion.

Helmut Pulte


Ruhr-Universität Bochum



Helmut Pulte, philosopher; professor at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His research focuses on the philosophy and history of science and mathematics, the history of modern philosophy and on epistemology and philosophical anthropology.

Paweł Prüfer


Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim



Paweł Prüfer (born on January 3, 1972 in Międzyrzecz, Lubuskie), assistant professor. He graduated from Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny in Wroclaw in 1997. He defended his doctorate in social sciences at the Pontifical University of the Holy Thomas Aquinas “Angelicum” in Rome, at the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2004. The title of his doctoral dissertation “Lo sviluppo umano in agricoltura e la dottrina sociale della Chiesa. Il caso polacco (1989-2002)”.

Scientific work associated with conducting classes at several educational and research institutions. For several years a professor of Catholic social teaching in Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskie Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne in Gościkowo-Paradyż, and of the ethics of economic life in Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyta Stein in Zielona Gora. Implementation of the teaching of general sociology, sociology of education and sociology of free time at Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im.  Jakuba z Paradyża in Gorzow Wielkopolski. 

Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden


Jagiellonian University in Krakow



Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden, Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her research focuses on classical metaphysics, ancient and me- dieval anthropology, phenomenology and hermeneutics.

Karol Wilczyński


Jagiellonian University in Krakow



Karol Wilczyński, Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His research and teaching interests include ancient and medieval philosophy and philosophy of religion.

Konrad Szocik


University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow



Konrad Szocik, philosopher; assistant professor at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. His research focuses on cognitive science and philosophy of religion, as well as moral and ethical issues.

Andrzej Gniazdowski


Polish Academy of Sciences



Andrzej Gniazdowski, philosopher; professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, manager of the project "Warsaw School of the History of Ideas and its Relevance in European Humanities". His research focuses on phenomenology and German philosophy.

Caroline Kowalewicz


University of San Juan del Rio, Mexico



Salvo Andò


Jagiellonian University in Krakow



Salvo Andò, Ph.D. candidate in sociology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. His research focuses on moral panic and the relationship between power and the new media.

Lucas B. Mazur


Jagiellonian University in Krakow



Lucas B. Mazur holds a PhD in social psychology from Clark University. His research examines the social cognition underlying categorization, particularly of collective, group-based experiences, and how these processes influence intergroup dynamics.

Giovanni Caporioni


Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Programme in International Relations and Area Studies


Giovanni Caporioni is a BA student in International Relations and Area Studies, with particular interests in International Security, especially regarding the challenges posed by migrations from the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa to the European Union. From a more theoretical point of view, he is interested in the conceptual foundations of the main International Relations paradigms and in issues of contemporary political philosophy like the crisis of legitimacy of western representative democracies.

Jens Loenhoff


Essen-Duisburg University


Jens Loenhoff studied sociology, philosophy, psychology and communication studies at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Bonn. After being an associate professor at the department of intercultural communication at the University of Mainz he is holding the position of a full professor at the department of communication studies, communication technologies, intercultural communication, semiotics and philosophy of Language. 

Gregorio Piaia


Università di Padova



Gregorio Piaia (1944) is full professor of the History of Philosophy in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Padua. He has been vice-president of the Italian Philosophical Society, and is a member of the Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padua and the Ateneo of Treviso. He is currently Director of the Philosophy Department.

His research has developed in three directions: a) political, ethical and religious thought in the late medieval and renaissance period (Marsilio da Padova, Nicolò da Cusa, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More…); b) the history and theory of philosophical historiography from the medieval period to the 20th century; and c) the philosophical culture of the Veneto in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Marek Drwięga

Emanuele Raganato


University of Salento in Lecce



After studying at the Conservatory and at the University of Salento, he started working as a musicologist, publishing organological essays on The Galpin Society Journal in Oxford. Among the various collaborations are those with the University of Salento (2008, South East Project) and the Conservatory of Lecce, Matera, Brescia and Ferrara (where he currently teaches). He studied, among others, sociologist Riccardo Campa (at the University of Krakow) and anthropologist Eugenio Imbriani (Lecce).

Roberto Paura

Stefan Lorenz Sorgner


John Cabot University in Rome



Stefan Lorenz Sorgner teaches philosophy at John Cabot University in Rome and is director and co-founder of the Beyond Humanism Network, Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), Research Fellow at the Ewha Institute for the Humanities at Ewha Womans University in Seoul and Visiting Fellow at the Ethics Centre of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He is author and editor of more than 10 books, e.g. Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche (WBG 2010), Transhumanismus (Herder 2016). In addition, he is Editor-in-Chief and Founding Editor of the “Journal of Posthuman Studies” (a double-blind peer review journal forthcoming with Penn State University Press in 2017). Furthermore, he is in great demand as a speaker in all parts of the world (e.g. TEDx; World Humanities Forum) and a regular contact person of national and international journalists and media representatives (e.g. Die Zeit).

Federico Zilio


University of Padova (Italy)



I currently work at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology FISPPA, University of Padova. I do research in Phenomenology, Philosophy of Neuroscience and Epistemology. My current project is 'Interdisciplinary perspectives on Consciousness'

Alberto Giacomelli


Università degli Studi di Padova



I achieved the Ph.D. in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy on 19/03/2012 with "Excellent" rating. Thesis title: Simbolica per tutti e per nessuno. Linguaggio e figurazione in «Così parlò Zarathustra». Supervisor: G. Pasqualotto, Co-Supervisor: G. Campioni. I published my PhD thesis in 2012 (Simbolica per tutti e per nessuno. Stile e figurazione nello Zarathustra di Nietzsche, Mimesis, Milano, 2012, pp. 261, Prefazione di G. Pasqualotto). Since 2012 I am Subject Expert (“cultore della materia”) in Aesthetics (M-FIL/04), member of the Research Project “Corrispondenze tra pensieri d’Oriente e d’Occidente” (Università di Padova coordinator: Prof. G. Pasqualotto) and “Oltre l’Humanitas”, (Università di Padova coordinator: Prof. F. Grigenti). Since 2013 I am member of SPN (Seminario permanente Nietzscheano) - Centro Interdipartimentale "Colli-Montinari" di Studi su Nietzsche e la Cultura Europea. Between 2013 and 2014 I taught three classes on the subject: «Arte e vita nello Zarathustra» at the course of Aesthetics for the Master’s Degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Padua. I published four reviews, one essay in a volume, I held 12 public talks, two of them in international conferences. In 2015 I gained a post-doc position as a Fellow for 24 months (1/03/2016 - 28/02/2018) at the University of Padua, FISPPA Department (Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata) with a research project entitled: “Figure dell’estetica nel pensiero di Nietzsche dalla Nascita della tragedia a Così parlò Zarathustra”. I became a member of the SIE, Società Italiana d’Estetica. I did teaching activities with a lecture series on the topic: «Genealogia dell’inconscio e Das Unheimliche nella finzione artistico-letteraria» at the course of History of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Padua. I published a translation and three essays in volume, I held 6 public Talks. From 2016 to date I am Subject Expert in Philosophy without scientific-disciplinary limitations. In 2016 I spent a research period at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts as Visiting post-doc Fellow (20/09-23/10, Referent: Prof. J. Bloechl). I did teaching activities with a lecture series on the subject: «Responsabilità, colpa e ressentiment. Nietzsche e la critica della dinamica colpa-punizione nella seconda Dissertazione della Genealogia della morale» at the course of History of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Padua. I published two reviews and an essay in a volume, I held 6 public talks, three of them in international conferences. In 2017 I spent a research period at the Technische Universität Berlin as Visiting post-doc Fellow (2/10 - 15/12, Referent: Prof. Dr. G. Abel). I held 9 public Talks, four of them in international conferences. I translated and edited a book, I published 4 articles (3 in Refereed Journals). Member of the Aesthetic, History of philosophy and History of contemporary philosophy Examination Committee.

Giovanni Osti


University of Padua


Giovanni Osti is a PhD in Philosophy (University of Padua) through a path on the ethics of emerging technologies. He works at the CIGA research center (University of Padua), collaborating with sociologists, jurists and communication experts.

Lorenza Bottacin Cantoni


University of Padua



Phd in Histoty of Contemporary Philosophy

Marcello Ienca


ETH Zurich



Researcher at ETH Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Bioethicist interested in brains computers & their interaction. Founder @ScienzaLive

Fabio Grigenti

Roberto Manzocco


City University of New York


PhD in History of Science, Science Journalist and Tech Writer, Adjunct Professor in Anthropology and Sociology

Mariolina Graziosi


Università degli studi di Milano. Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e politiche



Mariolina Graziosi, è attualmente Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Psicoanalista Junghiana. Ha conseguito il PhD in Sociologia presso The University of Wisconsin, Madison, e il diploma postlaurea di Psicoanalista al CGJung Institute di Zurigo. Presidente della Commissione Paritetica( 2014-2018). Membro dell'ISA (International Sociological Association), membro del board del comitato RC07; Vicepresidente del TG09 (2016-18). Visiting scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2007; 2009: 2010.

Monika Wrzoszczyk


Jagiellonian University in Krakow University of Silesia



PhD candidate at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and law student at the University of Silesia. Her research focuses on national and international judicial case law sociological theory of law.

Antimo Cesaro


Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Dipartimento di Scienze politiche "Jean Monnet"



Antimo Cesaro (Napoli, 1968), professore ordinario per il S.S.D. SPS/01 - Filosofia politica, insegna Scienza e filosofia politica e Teoria del linguaggio politico presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”. Si è laureato con lode in Giurisprudenza (1992) presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”; ha perfezionato i suoi studi in filosofia politica e in filosofia del diritto presso l’Istituto di Studi Politici “S. Pio V” di Roma, l’Istituto Universitario “Suor Orsola Benincasa” di Napoli, il C.N.R. e l’Università degli Studi di Sassari. Dal 2018 coordina un gruppo di ricerca sulla Storia della follia e i profili sociali della ricerca frenologica, presso l’Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. È componente dei Comitati scientifici delle riviste «Heliopolis - Culture, civiltà, politica», « - Rivista internazionale di filosofia e comunicazione» (Mimesis); «Europea» (Aracne); nonché dell’executive board della rivista scientifica di fascia ‘A’ « Philosophy and Public Issues (LUISS University Press). È membro del Comitato scientifico della collana editoriale Il caffè dei filosofi della casa editrice Mimesis (Milano) e della collana editoriale Kratos della casa editrice AlboVersorio (Milano). È direttore della collana editoriale Ingegni della casa editrice Artetetra (Capua). Dal 2018 è nel comitato scientifico per la sezione History, memory identity e per la sezione Law, culture, society della collana Documents-Monuments of European Identity del Mi.BAC Dal 2008 membro della Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica. Dal 2018 è membro del Collegio docenti del Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto comparato e processi di integrazione dell'Università della Campania "L. Vanvitelli".

Simone Turco


Università degli Studi di Genova



Simone Turco specializes in comparative literature and history of ideas, with a particular focus on the survival, resurgence, and development of irrationalism and esotericism in the modern era. He currently serves as Adjunct Professor of Hebrew and Hebrew Thought at Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy)

Maria Flis


Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University



Professor of Sociology and Head of the Section of Social Anthropology at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Her areas of research interest encompass philosophy and the sociology of culture, social anthropology, the history of ideas, cognitive science, and the cultural mechanisms by which knowledge is developed.

Gianfilippo Giustozzi

Margaret Boone Rappaport


The Human Sentience Project, LLC



Margaret Boone Rappaport is a cultural anthropologist and biologist who is Co-Founder of the Human Sentience Project in Tucson, Arizona USA. She is working in the fields of cognitive evolution, "Science and Religion", human spaceflight, and Mars exploration. She lectured in anthropology and sociology at Georgetown and George Washington Universities.

Christopher Corbally


Vatican Observatory



Christopher J. Corbally, SJ, is a Jesuit priest on the research staff of the Vatican Observatory and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Arizona. As Co-Founder of the Human Sentience Project he continues his interdisciplinary interests in Earth- and space-based questions.

Antonio Marturano


Tor Vergata University of Rome



Antonio Marturano Adjunct Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, is graduated in Philosophy at the University La Sapienza of Rome and a PhD in Philosophy of Law at the University of Milan He has held positions in different Italian, UK, and US Universities. He has worked on deontic logic, ethical problems crossing molecular biology and computer sciences, Recently his research is devoted to leadership ethics. He has published more than 100 papers and a large number of books (monographs and edited).

Ziba Norman


University College London



Ziba Norman is a theologian and futurist working on the cusp of theology and technology, with a particular interest in artificial intelligence, bio-enhancement, transhumanism and space policy. She is currently a Research Fellow at University College London, and a member of the Centre for Outer Space Studies, within UCL's Institute of Advanced Studies. Website:

Mario Castellana


University of Salento in Lecce



Mario Castellana, già docente di Filosofia della scienza presso l’Università del Salento e di Introduzione generale alla filosofia presso la Facoltà Teologica Pugliese di Bari, è da anni impegnato nel valorizzare la dimensione culturale del pensiero scientifico attraverso l’analisi di alcune figure della filosofia della scienza francese ed italiana del ‘900. Oltre ad essere autore di diverse monografie e di diversi saggi su tali figure, ha allargato i suoi interessi ai rapporti fra scienza e fede, scienza ed etica, scienza e democrazia, al ruolo di alcune figure femminili nel pensiero contemporaneo come Simone Weil e Hélène Metzger. Collaboratore della storica rivista francese "Revue de synthèse", è attualmente direttore scientifico di "Idee", rivista di filosofia e scienze dell’uomo nonché direttore della Collana Internazionale "Pensée des sciences", Pensa Multimedia, Lecce; come nello spirito di "Odysseo" è un umile navigatore nelle acque sempre più insicure della conoscenza.

Furio Pesci


La Sapienza - University of Rome - Department of Developmental and Social Psychology



I graduated in Philosophy in 1986 and obtained a Ph. D. in Experimental Research in Education at "La Sapienza" in 1994. Research fellow since 1998, then associate professor (since 2001), I am currently full Professor of History of Education (Storia della Pedagogia) at "La Sapienza" and Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Montessori Italia.

Gabriella Seveso


University of Milano-Bicocca



she works as a researcher (History of education- M-PED/02) since 01.06.2001. She is Member of the Teaching Committee of the Ph. D. “Education in Contemporary Society” (since 2002) and she has been Member of the Scientific Committee of the Interdepartmental “ABCD” Centre for the Study of Gender Issues. She has worked with Academy of Architecture – Univ. della Svizzera Italiana and she works with the Faculty of Education, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil and with Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana. She participates in Scientific Committees (Franco Angeli, Aracne, Junoir University Press)). She has taught and she teaches in Master and Postgraduate Courses (since 2001) and in the University Institute providing high school teachers with training certification (from 1999 to 2008). She teaches History of education since 2002

Giulia Fasan


University of Padua (Italy)



Giulia Fasan holds a Ph.D. in Education; she currently is a postdoctoral researcher in the fields of history of education and comparative education at the University of Padua (Italy). Her research mainly focuses on history of educational ideas (theory, method, pedagogy), history of educational thought, history and training of educational professionals.

Lech Witkowski


Pomeranian University in Słupsk



Lech Witkowski (born August 1, 1951 in Olsztyn) - Polish professor of philosophy of education, philosophy of culture and epistemology. Director of the Center for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research at the Kujawsko-Pomorskie University in Bydgoszcz.

Carla Callegari


University of Padua (Italy)



Carla Callegari is Associate Professor for History of Education and Comparative Education at the University of Padua, Italy. She has conducted research within the context of the epistemological and methodological renewal, which, since the 1960s, has led to the emergence of the history of education as a revitalised and broad discipline alongside the history of educational ideas. Her focus has always been on highlighting educational theories that support educational practices in particular contexts and through specific experiences. She has also developed a specific interest in the methodological aspects of research, focusing on sources as a heuristic and interpretative issue. Carla Callegari as a scholar of comparative education is one of two professors responsible for coordinating the Working Group on "Comparative Studies in Education" established within the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED).

Sebastiano Serafini


Istituto Teologico Marchigiano Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose – Ancona



Sebastiano Serafini, a Catholic priest, is a professor of Moral Theology and Bioethics at the Istituto Teologico Marchigiano and the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose in Fermo and Ancona (Italy). He holds a bachelor degree in Theology form the Istituto Teologico Marchigiano in Fermo, a master degree in Moral Theology and a doctorate from the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome. He also specialized in Bioethics through various postgraduate courses promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Instituto Giovanni Paolo II in Rome. In Paris, at the Facultés Jésuites Center Sèvres, he obtained the Diplôme Universitaire d’Éthique Biomédicale. He then carried out periods of study in Madrid, at the Cátedra de Bioética of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, and in Barcelona at the Instituto Borja de Bioética.

James Hughes


Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies



James Hughes Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, is a bioethicist and sociologist who serves as the Associate Provost for Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning for the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Giovanna Palermo


University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Caserta, Italy




Alessandra Passaretti


Università di Napoli ‟Parthenope”



Alessandra Passaretti è una sociologa ed economista culturale, ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Analisi dei processi sociali ed economici (ASEP) presso l'Università Bicocca di Milano. Attualmente collabora con l'Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope. I suoi temi di ricerca includono il benessere psicologico, la cultura come motore di cambiamento comportamentale e di impatto sociale, e la progettazione e valutazione di politiche culturali.

Fabio Boni


Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie



Fabio Boni è ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Neofilologia dell’Università Pedagogica di Cracovia. I suoi interessi scientifici riguardano la cultura e la letteratura italiana antica, in particolare dei secoli XVII-XVIII. Si è dedicato all’analisi della figura femminile nella narrativa e nella trattatistica del Seicento, ai rapporti tra finzione letteraria e cronaca nel secolo XVII e alla tradizione magico- cabalistica tra fine Seicento e inizio Settecento.

Mario Leonardo Miceli


Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina



BA and PhD in Political Science from Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Former Conicet postdoctoral fellow and currently working as a researcher at the Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences at UCA. Professor of history of political ideas at UCA and Universidad Austral.

Federico Monaro


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Master's degree in Philosophical sciences at Università degli Studi di Padova (2021). PhD student at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha from 2023. Research interests: philosophy of technology, philosophy of mind and AI, philosophy of subjectivity.

Piotr Zielonka


Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Biology



Piotr Zielonka works in the Institute of Biology at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland. He conducts research in behavioral economics, having published two books in Polish: ‟The Stock Market and Psychology,” which appeared in five editions and ‟The Reference Point” (two editions). Piotr Zielonka is a co-editor of the book ‟Large Risks with Low Probabilities” published in London in 2017.

Krzysztof Szymanek


University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Humanities



Krzysztof Szymanek, logician, philosopher; associate professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice. His research focuses on logic, argumentation theory, critical thinking, statistics.

Andrzej Borowski

Maxim Popov


North Caucasus Federal University



I am a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy and Ethnology in the North Caucasus Federal University. My research interests are related to the critical analysis of political ideologies and philosophical systems, in particular, liberalism and neoliberalism, and my research is also devoted to the study of European integration. My applied empirical research focuses on the study of cultural identity, ethnic conflicts and security issues.

Thomas Beavitt


Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Researcher at the Institute of Law and Philosophy, Russia Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch). Published topics include structural and semantic questions in academic English, the tendency towards linguistic imperialism in English discourses, the relationship between poetry and music, and translation theory. Research and practical activities include the translation and performance of songs and poems. Currently researching the implications of local interactionism for an attention economy.

Marcin Krasnodębski


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute for the History of Science



Marcin Krasnodębski earned his Ph.D. from the University of Bordeaux in 2016, focusing on the history of resin chemistry. Since then, he has delved into researching the history of the chemical industry and sustainability sciences throughout the 20th century. Presently, he is as an assistant professor at the Institute for the History of Science in Warsaw, exploring the history of green chemistry and the role of sustainability in the natural sciences.

Queen Sarkar


Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology


Dr. Queen Sarkar is working as Assistant Professor-II (English) in the School of Social, Financial, and Human Sciences at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology- KIIT University. With a Ph.D. earned from IIT Kharagpur, her scholarly pursuits delve into plant humanities, cross-cultural communication, cultural studies, business and professional communication, adaptation, and appropriation. Dr. Sarkar's contributions to academia extend to a range of publications, including review articles, poems, and research papers. Her prowess as a multilingual poet has transcended linguistic boundaries, with her works finding translation into Spanish, Arabic, and Gujarati, accompanied by recognition from Sahitya Akademi Gujarat. Dr. Sarkar has received invitations to various prestigious events. She was invited to moderate sessions and present her research paper by the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA (Fully Funded). Notably, she was appointed as the "Ambassador of Good Will Seeds of Youth XXI Century, India" by the distinguished United Nations of Letters- Uniletras. Her research proposal for the University of Oregon's international conference was recently accepted, securing full funding for her research and participation. Furthermore, she was invited to lead a panel at the University of Oregon, facilitating meaningful intellectual exchanges with scholars worldwide. Currently, Dr. Sarkar is focused on the prestigious Oxford Handbook of African American Women's Writing project, and Colleges and Their Communities book project with Rutgers University Press. She was also selected as an International Writing Fellow at the 27th Iligan National Writers Workshop held at MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines.

Giuseppe Maria Ambrosio


Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" -


I am research fellow in political philosophy at the Department of Political Sciences of the Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. The main academic topics analysed in several scientific works, focus on the aspects of political utopias, political sovereignty and political imaginary as well as, more recently, on the political and social consequences of alienation and paranoia.

Chiara Sargiotta


Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"



Chiara Sargiotta (Naples, 1998) is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Law and Integration Processes at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Graduated with honors in Law at the University of Naples "Federico II". Her research focus is on the functioning of democratic systems and the person-citizen binomial from the philosophical, political and legal point of view.

Bartłomiej Dzik


Independent researcher.


Bartłomiej Dzik is an economist and civil servant, currently working in the field of financial consumer protection. In the past he conducted research on the psychology of gambling behavior, and contributed to academic papers and books on behavioral psychology and gambling studies. His research focuses on the boundaries of rational choice approach to human behavior.

Sławomir Jakieła


Department of Physics and Biophysics, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland


Slawomir Jakiela is a researcher at the Department of Physics and Biophysics, Institute of Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences. His research experience includes fluid dynamics, droplet microfluidics, neurodegenerative diseases, biosensors and materials physics. He is currently involved in a project investigating the effects of drugs, mitochondrial proteins and miRNA biomarkers on mitochondrial dynamics and metabolism in neurodegenerative diseases. This research uses innovative multifunctional microfluidic devices to advance knowledge in this area.

Michał Białek


University of Wrocław


Michał Białek is an Associate Professor and Head of the Psychology of Management Unit at the Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, Poland. His research is centered on judgment and decision-making