The Analysis of Euthanasia in the Work of Karol Gutmann
Variant title
This paper is a historical and critical analysis of the work of doctor Karol Gutmann. He was a Polish-Jewish scientist and an employee of the Institute of Forensics in Krakow, Poland. In 1938 he published an article in “Czasopismo Sądowo-Lekarskie” (Juridical-Medical Review) in which he discussed different views on the phenomenon of euthanasia. His interdisciplinary analysis included historical, philosophical, legal, and medical perspectives on the phenomenon. Although Gutmann did not use the term “bioethics” himself, his work can be understood as relevant for the development of bioethical discourse in Poland, which was tragically interrupted by the outbreak of World War II.
Article history
Received 06 December 2021. Revised 23 December 2021. Accepted 03 January 2022. Published online 24 January 2022
Dawid Kamil WieczorekJagiellonian University in Krakow
Orbis Idearum Volume 9, Issue 2 (2021), 161-175
On the History of Bioethical Ideas