AI, Robot, and Consciousness:
A Brief History in Cinema
This paper explores a brief history of science fiction cinema, and the relatives themes presented in some significative films: e.g. The Bicentennial Man, Ex Machina, and Her. In the first paragraph I will investigate about the early portrayals of AI in cinema. The following paragraphs explore the development of consciousness in artificial beings and the complex relationship between humans and AI. I will show how An- drew Martin and Ava develop a consciousness with opposite consequences. Instead, Theodore is the perfect example of human weakness. Through compelling narratives, the cited films contemplate nature of consciousness, and the moral responsibilities associated with AI development. By inviting audiences to reflect about characters navigating the interface between humanity and technology, these films illuminate the evolving landscape of human relationships and the countless conceptions of AI.
Article history
Received 15 April 2024. Revised 02 December 2024. Accepted 12 December 2024. Published online 30 January 2025
AI, Cinema, Robot, Consciousness, Technology,
Federico MonaroUniversidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Orbis Idearum Volume 12, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 59-71
Regular Issue