Single issue
Regular Issue
Volume 12, Issue 2 (2024)
Orbis Idearum, Volume 12, Issue 2 (2024) is a regular issue. As such, it has no topic, no title, no limitations to a particular theme. It is open to any contribution belonging to the history of ideas. The history of ideas is an academic specialty with its own object of study and its own methodology, and it is not to be confused with disciplines such as the history of philosophy, the history of science, the history of literature, the history of art, etc. The traditional work of the historian of ideas is the reconstruction of the path of an idea (typically, a word-and-concept), in a certain period of time, through different disciplines (philosophy, science, literature, art, etc.). That is why we often say that the history of ideas is an “inter-discipline.”
Dawid Kamil WieczorekHonor Cultures: An Outline of the Idea
and its Relation to Violence and Crime (en)
Anastazja ZakusiłoTopic Modelling: A Quantitative Research
Technique for the History of Ideas (en)
Roberto PauraStrange Ideas: Using the History of Ideas
for the Understanding
of Pseudoscience (en)
Federico MonaroAI, Robot, and Consciousness:
A Brief History in Cinema (en)
Riccardo CampaThe Idea of the Unknown God
in Ancient Egyptian Religion (en)
Gianfilippo Giustozzi"The God Who Changes":
The Contribution of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
and Other Thinkers of the 20th and 21st Centuries
to the Debate on the Future of Religious Experience (it)